Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hung over....

Well, it's been AGES since I've had one of those crazy nights out, and this morning, I'm suffering after one of them.

My ears are ringing, my head is throbbing...UGH. I'm getting waaaay too old for this. Still, it's great to know that since turning 30, I can still go until the wee hours of the morning (with a lil' help from my friend Red Bull....).

Za diet yesterday? Mostly okay until evening. Had pizza and breaded mushroom salad for dinner. But, I'm sure that was more than offset by dancing for almost 4 hours straight last night!

Back to nursing my poor body....

1 comment:

Wendell said...

Hi! Hope you're feeling better now. $ hours of dancing - what a great workout. But from reading some of your earlier posts, it sounds like you are pretty hardcore so it must have been nothing for you! A 1:45 workout?! Impressive!