Monday, April 16, 2007

What the.....?

I've gained a pound.

After a week of crazy weight training sessions, loooong power walks, and relatively good eating, I'm up a pound.

I'm frustrated.

Okay, there's the whole muscle weighs more than fat theory. Or water retention theory. But after the hard work that I put in last week, I want a little reward on the scale.

I'm going to keep going, because I don't have a choice. I'm doing all the right stuff. But I'm allowed to be disappointed a bit, aren't I?


Unknown said...

its completely natural to show a gain after a hard week of working out, esp. if its a new plan and you're incorporating weights AND cardio... keep at it and soon you'll see results, maybe more so in inches than on the scale at first... :o)

Anne said...

Yes, it's ok to be dissapointed, but I bet you'll be seeing results really soon.

Askazombiehousewife said...

It's most likely water retention that happens sonmtimes with woman who weight train.
The weight is not real and weight loss doesn't always show.

Kim said...

Ouch - it's never fun to see the scale go back up, even if it is for a perfectly legit reason like building muscle or water retention.

Try to keep your focus on how great you felt after working out. Feeling the strength of your own body, and knowing that you are making it healthier because of your work. The numbers will fall back into place. Don't let it psyche you out. :)

Christy said...

Without fail, each and every time I start weight training, I ALWAYS gain. Keep with it, you will DEFINITELY see results sooner then later.

Congrats :)

Chris H said...

Bugger, and yes you are entilted to be dissapointed.. I would have been for sure! Move on from it, it's another fantastic week and sure as eggs you will show a loss soon... hang in there.

Rebecca said...

yes, it is ok to be disappointed.

i'm right there with you.

Unknown said...

Yeah its for reasons like this that I'm grateful for weighing in daily - I would know for certain whether this is water weight, muscle weight, or just a blip. And with all of that long power walks and crazy weight training? One thing I've discovered is that there is a LAG in the effects that those activities have on your weight. Perhaps next week the effects from this week's exercise will show up.

But yes, disappointment is understandable. Poor bubba!

Carolyn said...

I can totally relate. I am ALWAYs disappointed when the scale shows a gain..even a small one BUT you have to remember that weight training maked you retain water AND muscle does weight more than fat. I totally understand though that you are disappointed but don't let a number on the scale rule your thinking, it's only a number! Take into consideration how you feel and how your clothes fit too, these are all good benchmarks for weight loss!

jeannie* said...

Oh man -- I too would be not only disappointed but pissed!

I'm impressed that youre not letting it get you off track though because soon enough you WILL see a loss! So just keep up the good work and eventually the scale will catch up!

pinknest said...

i totally believe in the water weight thing. especially if you've eaten a lot of carbs.

Anandi said...

The scale sucks. Give it 3 weeks - you're doing a great job :)