Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Ooops there goes another year, oops there goes another pint of beer..."

First of all, thanks for the warm welcome back! I feel so wuvved.;-)

So, my daughter's first birthday is around the corner and it's not really sinking in. Another entire year of my life has gone by. And what a whirlwind it has been!

I'm supposed to be going back to work in a few weeks. I'm supposed to be a "pro" at this mom thing now. I'm supposed to be 60lbs lighter.

Of course, I'm dreading going back to work. When I was pregnant, I looked SO forward to having this year off - and now that it's over, I'm in a weird, hazy state. Can I really go back to that desk and stare at a computer screen all day after my life has changed so dramatically?

As for being an expert at the mom thing, that's definitely not the case. While I adore my daughter like there's no tomorrow, I still find myself utterly exhausted at the end of each day - it's a tireless (and rewarding) job, being a mom. I learn something new from her everyday, and perhaps she learns something new from me. But still - I think it's going to be a lifelong journey!

As for those pesky 60lbs on my bod - well, I think a good chunk of them are still attached to me. I started to think about where I wanted to be in December - most of my weight gone, wearing brand new clothes back to work, and looking like the picture of health. When I realized that I won't have any of those things, I started to get down. But then, I decided it was time to give myself a break. Sort of.

It's been a year of such immense change, and I have tried to be perfect at everything. Which has resulted in me being perfect at nothing. I'm starting to realize that "doing my best" is an amazing thing, and I need to pat myself on the back for trying. It's been a year of personal training, gym memberships, stroller fit classes, and plenty of attempts at losing weight. And all of those attempts may seem fruitless right now, but they were all a part of my adjustment process to where I am right now.

So, instead of getting down about how there are only six-ish weeks left this calendar year, and I haven't met my weight loss goal - I'm going to hold my head up high and carry on. There's ZERO point in fretting, isn't there? Especially when I've got so much work to do!

I also realized that being somewhat lackadaisical about weighing in regularly, and keeping a regular exercise routine isn't helping me. I need targets, mini-goals, and a plan. I know that I've tried that before, and I've veered away - but it's only because I didn't want to admit that I wasn't sticking to it. So, enough of that - I'm going to start tracking things with a vengeance! Sweating my arse off at the gym! And I'm going to feel good about myself everyday for any attempt that I make for becoming healthier - whether it's going to the gym, drinking an extra glass of water, or telling myself I can do it.

And I'll let you in on a little secret. I had a dream last night, and in it, I was thin. In my entire life, I've never imagined myself as being thin - I could never visualize it. And last night, when I saw that image of myself, I knew that there was nothing I wanted more.

So, 60lbs, here I come to kick your butt! You might get a few throws every now and then, but you're not going to beat me this time.


Askazombiehousewife said...

I love being a wife and a mom.

Carolyn said...

What an amazing attitude! I know you can do it. I think setting mini goals and planning some gym time are exactly what you need! You have the right frame of mind!

Jen said...

Go, Sonya! I've loved reading about your fitness adventures -- especially the stroller class! Keep moving - I have a feeling we're going to be reading about another 2 lb loss very soon :-)