Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 14: Small wins

Good things about today:

- I managed to make it to yoga class despite the sweltering heat. I don't really feel like I burned a ton of calories, but it was probably better than sitting on my butt at home.
- I just went out for dinner and drinks with a couple of good friends. I had a drink. One. The menu was incredible: rice paper rolls, amazing pad thai, spring rolls, etc. What did I have? A quinoa salad and an order of edamame. I rock!
- When I was getting ready to go out, I tried on two t-shirts that I had taken out a couple of weeks ago when they were, er, snug. Today, they definitely looked better on me. Not being vain, I'm just sayin'. They felt a bit looser around the tum-tum area.
- Talking to my daughter's daycare director about the freaking triathlon that she's training for, and feeling really motivated about my 5K.

Mediocre things about today:

- The heat (I'm a Torontonian, and we love to complain about the weather. Sorry.)
- The afternoon hours when I want to eat everything in sight. I did okay, but I ended up eating some extra handfuls of nuts and things. Totally unnecessary. Bah.
- Feeling guilty about my dinner even though I did really well. I probably shouldn't have had any carbs or ANY drinks. But really, this is about living life and making good choices. I know I did just that, but the guilt really stinks.

My "good" list outweighs the "mediocre" one. That's a good thing.:-) Two full weeks over.

Time for bed, I'm pooped.


Kim said...

Keep up the awesome work!!! Slow and steady wins the race. :)

Christy said...

2 whole weeks - that's awesome!! You are making really great choices and it's not about being perfect, because life always throws things at us, it's how we deal with those things and just keep on moving. You are totally motivating me and for that I thank you!

Rebecca said...

i'd say you made fab choices today!